The Corrections Division of the Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office is under the direction of Major Coming Soon...

Lt. Nicole Pascarella

Lt. John Buch

The Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division is committed to providing a safe and secure place of detention in the least restrictive environment possible to ensure the safety of the public. The Corrections Division strives to operate in accordance set forth by the United States Constitution, Ohio Revised Code, Bureau of Adult Detention Standards, and applicable court decisions. In addition, the Division seeks to maintain the standards for inmate health care established by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care.

The Corrections Division includes a Classification Officer, whose primary objective is to provide for the management and confinement needs of the Trumbull County Adult Justice Center and its detainees. The Classification Officer performs non-discriminatory evaluations on all detainees and concludes the most suitable classification level based on a number of factors. This allows detainees to be placed in the least restrictive housing area that is compatible with his or her assessed risks and needs. The Classification Officer also oversees the Inmate Worker Program and coordinates programs within the facility.
The Corrections Division is responsible for overseeing the Community Improvement Program, which provides maintenance services to our county’s metro parks and fairgrounds. The Community Improvement Program uses court appointed community service hours and court sentenced inmates to mow grass, pick up trash, and offer maintenance needs to our community’s senior citizens and vacant lots.